Guiding Principles for Education:
1. All things have been created to the end that the Triune God shall be glorified in
and through them.
2. God by his gracious providence grants children to parents and God has made
parents responsible for the nurture, admonition and education of their children to
the end that God and his glory shall be central and supreme in the whole of life.
3. The education of children shall be carried out under the parents' responsible
supervision in a school that carries out the basic God-honouring, God-centred
program ideally begun in the home.
4. All education by the Trust shall be so given that the students may grow in grace
and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and that they may increase in wisdom
and stature and in favour with God.
Founder's Statement (excerpt):
1. The educational institutions developed by the Board and supported by the Trust
are to be guided by the "Guiding Principles for Education" above.
2. The board shall adopt as the final and fully authoritative standard for the conduct
of its affairs and the work of the Trust, the holy scriptures of the old and new
testaments, herein confessed to be the infallible and inerrant Word of God, in the
sense of the historic, orthodox and fundamental protestant faith.
Preference / Special Character Enrolments:
To qualify for a particular preference enrolment, parents need to be in regular
attendance at a Bible believing church with similar biblical basis of faith and doctrine
as specified in the Proprietors Trust Deed, and provide a reference from the pastor
to support this.
If, in the judgement of the school and Proprietor, the applicant has not demonstrated
sufficient evidence of a strong connection with our special character, we may
consider a general preference enrolment if space permits.
This process is managed by the school, on behalf of the Proprietor, the Southcity
Educational Charitable Trust, and is at their sole discretion.
Criteria for Preference enrolments
First Priority: enrolment Sibling of current student at the school
Second Priority: enrolment Child of employee of the school
Third Priority: enrolment Particular preference enrolment transferring from
another Christian School with similar basis of faith and doctrine
Forth Priority: enrolment Sibling of former student of the school
Fifth Priority: enrolment Child of former student of the school
Sixth Priority: enrolment All other particular preference applicants
Seventh Priority: enrolment All other general preference applicants
Non-Preference / Non-Special Character Enrolments:
Non-preference positions are limited by our Integration Agreement with the Ministry
of Education. Southcity Christian School may only admit non-preference students if
there is capacity to do so, once all preference students on the waitlist for that age
group have been admitted, and only up to the 10% quota.
However, as our special character pervades all areas of our school life, it is our
expectation that all families, whether preference or non-preference, support the
special character of our school.
At present we have very limited spaces for non-preference enrolment. We are
managing our roll to provide space for preference students as we approach our
maximum roll.
Criteria for Non-Preference enrolments
First Priority: enrolment Sibling of current student at the school
Second Priority: enrolment Child of employee of the school
Third Priority: enrolment Sibling of former student of the school
Fourth Priority: enrolment All other non-preference applicants
Parents/Caregivers of all students agree to pay the Attendance Dues as part of the
conditions of enrolment.
An enrolment application form is available from the school office.